Hey y’all! It is currently the Tuesday night after we returned from Las Vegas and my internal clock is still all messed up lol. If you don’t know, Houston is about 2 hours ahead of LAS so while it says 9pm here it feels like 7pm Vegas time for me. I am hoping that I can get to bed at a decent time tonight and wake up on time tomorrow because I have so much to do!
If you are new here, I recently just quit my full time job and am taking the leap to doing content creation full time! While it’s scary and still all new to me, I am loving being able to get things done during the week vs cramming it all into the weekend! One of my goals with all this extra time is to consistently have blog posts for you all 2 times a week. Wish me luck! LOL.
I have been getting lots of questions on Instagram about what I wore in Vegas, so I wanted to post some pics here to give you some inspo if you have a trip coming up soon! I didn’t get a picture in every single outfit but sharing the ones I did! As always, make sure to follow along on socials and my LTK Shop to stay up to date on all my outfits and everything else!
Vegas Outfits
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If what you’re looking for isn’t here check out my DEC LINKS ’21 highlight on IG for more!